NASCAR’s Next Gen Electric Future: Bold Sustainability Move

NASCAR is going to be an electric for better earth and aimed to use new technology. They are going to launch a new EV named “Next Gen Car”. The car will use a mix of Gas and electricity (hybrid) power. So the NASCAR wants to lead the way in making the racing cars better for the future.

The Next Gen Car: A Technological Marvel:

The Next Gen Car is designed with a modular architecture, which will adapt to the both hybrid and electric configurations. To incorporate with new powertrain technology the car is divided into three parts front, middle, and the back. According to the Richard Johns from Ford explain the performance “Its adding a few bits and pieces of electronics, and you are ready to go on the race track”

Mark Rush brook, Ford Performance’s global director, highlights the car’s flexibility: “For a full electric, there will be more changes required, but with the bolt-on front clip and rear clip, you can then have a unique front clip for an electric motor version”​ (NASCAR)​.

Collaborative Efforts Fuel Innovation:

The new NASCAR car has made teams and car makers work together more than ever before. In the past, teams kept their car tricks secret because they wanted to win. But now, teams work together more to add new types of motors to the cars. Eric Jacuzzi, NASCAR’s managing director of aerodynamics and vehicle performance, notes, “Everybody kind of realized that we all needed to contribute”​

Teams helped each other test the new car to make sure it was fast enough. This was important because NASCAR bosses and car makers wanted a car that goes fast and is also good for the planet.

Historic Milestones and Future Prospects:

NASCAR Team Penske and Freightliner tried a something new. They use electric truck to move a race car in a big race event which is known as Daytona 500. It would not have a hybrid powertrain this year. But NASCAR aimed they will add the new powertrain idea in the future.


NASCAR is changing to be better for the planet. This shows it can try new things. The new car is not just about racing differently, but also about caring for nature and using new ideas. As NASCAR looks at cars that use less gas, it shows other car makers how to do it too.

Stay tuned on how NASCAR makes racing cleaner and uses more electric cars.