What You Need to Know about the Types of Electric Vehicles

What You Need to Know about the Types of Electric Vehicles,Today, there are four main types of electric vehicles that you can choose from, each with its own unique pros and cons. These include: battery electric vehicles (BEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and extended range electric vehicles (EREVs). In this guide, we’ll tell you what each of these types of EVs are, how they work, the advantages of each, and more.

Overview of EVs

There are four basic types of electric vehicles (EVs) on today’s market: battery-electric vehicles (BEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs). All share a common trait: an electric motor in place of a gasoline engine. However, each type uses its own unique power source and propulsion system. In order to help you determine which type is best for your driving needs, here’s a rundown on how they work.

Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV)

A battery electric vehicle runs entirely on electricity, powered by a battery that is charged using an external source. The largest advantage of BEVs is that they are very easy to drive, requiring virtually no maintenance other than charging every so often. However, BEVs aren’t all sunshine and rainbows: They have a limited range (generally only 100-200 miles), making them less practical for longer trips, and compared with traditional cars, they have higher purchase prices due to expensive batteries and low production numbers.

Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV)

A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is an electric vehicle with a battery that can be recharged by connecting it to an electrical outlet. PHEVs have a much longer all-electric range than regular hybrids and do not require gasoline. A PHEV might not be as environmentally friendly as other options because there are fewer zero emission vehicles on roadways worldwide compared to plug-in hybrids and full electrics, but it is still better for our environment and your pocketbook than driving a traditional gas-powered car. By using only electricity when possible, you reduce your total fuel consumption as well as emissions from your vehicle’s tailpipe. (For more, read: What Are Plug-In Hybrid Cars?)

Hybrid-Electric Vehicles (HEV)

This type of vehicle is a mixture between an electric vehicle and a conventional vehicle. These vehicles run both on an internal combustion engine as well as an electric motor, allowing them to draw their energy from both sources at different times. These vehicles are becoming more and more popular due to their relative affordability, low maintenance requirements, and they can be charged in two ways: plug-in or on-the-go battery charging. Even though these HEVs do not completely rely on electricity like BEVs do, they’re still capable of traveling distances that would otherwise take you all day in a conventional car (80 miles in some cases).


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