Book Engine Level 1+2 Electric Vehicle Charger

Book Engine Level 1+2 Electric Vehicle Charger, If you have an electric vehicle and want to drive it locally. You will need to install an EV charger in your home. EV chargers come in many different flavors and sizes. But the most common ones that you’ll see in your daily life are level 1 or level 2. The differences between these two charging methods are important. So make sure that you choose the right one for your unique situation. Here are the benefits of Book Engine Level 1+2 EV chargers from Alternative Fueling Station. Inc., as well as what to keep in mind before installing. One of these helpful accessories in your home or business.

The History of the Book Engine

The BookEngine is an award-winning, groundbreaking electric vehicle (EV) charging station designed by California-based company POD Point. The patented technology enables plug-in vehicles to be powered with renewable energy. And offers more functionality than any other electric car charger on the market. In 2015, BookEngine Version 2 took home two prestigious awards. Best Sustainability Initiative at that year’s LA Cleantech Competition and Best Green Product at eMerge Americas, which is one of North America’s largest clean technology events. With newer models on the market today—notably Version 4—it’s clear that POD Point will continue to lead when it comes to innovative EV solutions for years to come.

Why Choose Book Engine?

Book Engine is a plug-and-play electric vehicle charging station designed for home and workplace use. Using an existing standard outlet, you can start charging your electric car at home or at work within minutes after unboxing it. It offers up to 40 miles of range per hour depending on your vehicle, so you’ll be able to charge in under 4 hours during off-peak times using public power rates or, for only 10 cents more per kWh, about half that time if you charge during peak daytime hours! The convenient design makes Book Engine easy to install anywhere—even in your garage—and it won’t take up much space when not in use because its sleek design fits right into any corner.

Install a Book Engine Level 1+2 EV Charger

Your Book Engine Level 1+2 EV charger installation should be quick and easy, typically taking less than two hours. The first step is to ensure that your current utility service panel can support a new electrical load. You’ll also need to be sure that you have sufficient cooling, ventilation, and wiring in place for an in-ground charging unit. Once you verify these prerequisites, all you need to do is mount. And connect your charging system.

Final Words

The Book Engine is made from high-quality materials, and it’s designed to work both indoors and outdoors. This charger IS for almost any vehicle since it has no setup time required for installation. When you have an important trip coming up, it’s great to know that you’ll be able to keep your EV charged without worrying about running out of juice on a long drive.

The Book Engine provides hassle-free charging at home or on the go so that you never have to worry about your vehicle not having enough power to complete your journey. With low costs and powerful performance, any driver would be happy using one of these chargers during their next long ride!